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Las Vegas Firefighter Work Injury Lawyers

Firefighter Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Serving Nevada

The Las Vegas firefighter work injury lawyers at Burg Simpson know that firefighters put their lives on the line every day. Dedicated to keeping us safe, firefighters selflessly head straight toward the dangers most of us are running away from, whether it is a house fire or a car accident. But who protects firefighters when they sustain injuries on the job?

According to the National Fire Protection Association, thousands of firefighters are injured on the job every year. The most common injuries are overexertion and strain, though other dangers, including thermal burns, chemical exposure, and falls, are common as well. So too are injuries that occur away from the fireground, many of which occur while crews are on their way to or returning from an emergency.

No matter if a firefighting injury occurs on the fireground or in a non-fireground setting, injured firefighters are entitled to seek compensation for medical expenses and lost wages through a workers’ compensation or personal injury claim. The best way to determine which option is most suitable for each situation is through a free and confidential consultation with an experienced attorney.

Burg Simpson’s workers’ compensation attorneys and paralegals have more than four decades of experience handling cases regarding both personal injury and firefighter workers’ compensation law. We can help you:

  • Understand firefighter workers’ compensation law and its lengthy rules process
  • Access the very best—and timeliest—medical care and treatment
  • Secure reimbursement for expenses incurred after your accident
  • Receive fair compensation for your injuries
  • Determine how and when you can file a third-party claim

To learn more or to schedule a FREE case review, call Burg Simpson at 702-668-2070 today. Located in Las Vegas, our work injury lawyers proudly serve firefighters injured on the job throughout Nevada.

Las Vegas Firefighter Work Injury Lawyers

Common Firefighter Injuries

Firefighters face a unique set of hazards on the job. The dangerous nature of firefighting means these brave individuals often encounter situations that put their health and safety at risk. Common causes of firefighter injury include:

Thermal Stress

Exposure to extreme temperatures can lead to thermal stress, which encompasses a range of heat-related illnesses. Heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and dehydration are all common issues faced by firefighters. On the surface, these may seem like minor injuries, but over time, frequent exposure to excessive heat can lead to chronic health problems, including increased risks for muscle damage and organ failure.

Overexertion and Strain

The heavy lifting of machinery, carrying victims, breaking down doors, and other types of physical exertion required of firefighters is incredibly taxing on their bodies. These injuries typically result in temporary muscle and joint problems, fractures, and sprains. Frequent overexertion and strain can lead to long-term musculoskeletal consequences as well.

Falls, Jumps, Slips, and Trips

The chaotic and unpredictable environments that firefighters work in increase the risk of falls, jumps, slips, and trips. The second leading cause of fireground injury, these incidents can occur while climbing ladders, attempting to avoid hazards, and navigating through a burning building. They often result in broken bones, head and brain injuries, and internal injuries.


Firefighters are frequently exposed to intense heat and flames, making burn injury a genuine threat for firefighters. These burns can range from topical first-degree burns to more severe third-degree burns that require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. Burns can be caused by direct contact with flames, hot surfaces, or even the radiant heat from a fire.

In addition to direct and radiant heat, firefighters often encounter hazardous substances, including chemicals that can cause burns. Chemical burns can be extremely painful and may even prove fatal.

Smoke Inhalation

Prolonged exposure to smoke and toxic fumes can lead to serious—potentially fatal—respiratory issues. Firefighters are at risk of inhaling carbon monoxide, cyanide, and other toxic chemicals released during the fire. Inhalation of these chemicals or smoke itself can cause acute conditions such as respiratory distress, chronic bronchitis, and asthma. It may also result in permanent lung damage and cancer.


Firefighters are at risk of various wounds, including cuts, lacerations, and punctures. These can occur from debris, broken glass, and other sharp objects encountered during firefighting operations. While some wounds are surface level, others can result in damage to muscles, disfigurement, heightened risk of infection, and permanent damage to tendons and joints.

Non-Fireground Injuries

In addition to the risks posed while fighting fires, firefighters face dangers when responding to emergencies of all types. Motor vehicle accidents on the way to and from emergencies, training incidents, and general workplace hazards have all caused serious injury to firefighters as well. Over 50 percent of fatal accidents involving firefighters occur during non-fireground events.

Common Firefighter Illnesses

Extensive research has shown that firefighters are prone to several illnesses due to the nature of their job. Firefighters endure elevated levels of heat, flames, stress (both mental and physical), and exposure to harmful substances like carbon monoxide and asbestos. These factors contribute to a higher incidence of chronic illnesses among firefighters, including:

Heart Disease

Firefighters are often required to perform strenuous activities under extreme conditions. This can lead to cardiovascular issues including hypertension and heart attack.


Firefighters are at higher risk for developing various types of cancer, including:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Digestive cancer
  • Oral Cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Respiratory cancer
  • Urinary cancer

Firefighters are twice as likely as the general population to contract malignant mesothelioma as well.

Chronic Respiratory Diseases

Conditions such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are more common among firefighters due to the long-term damage caused by inhaling harmful substances during firefighting operations.


During medical emergencies and rescue operations, firefighters may come into contact with infected blood or body fluids. This puts them at increased risk of hepatitis B, C, and D, which can result in liver damage, cirrhosis, and potentially fatal complications.

Hearing Loss

Continuous exposure to loud noises—such as sirens, explosions, or the roar of fires—can result in noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). This can impact communication, response, and even physical abilities.


The combination of extreme physical exertion and heat exposure can break down the muscles, releasing harmful proteins into the blood. Known as rhabdomyolysis, this can lead to kidney damage, metabolic acidosis, compartment syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and other life-threatening conditions.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Firefighting is a high-stress occupation that often involves exposure to traumatic events. These experiences may lead to PTSD, a condition characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and depression.

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Our Firefighter Work Injury Lawyers Are Here to Help

When you sustain an injury or develop an illness in your line of work, you are entitled to seek compensation through a workers’ compensation claim. Unfortunately, while workers’ comp is designed to help injured workers get healthy and back to work, filing for and receiving benefits is seldom a straightforward process. Claims can be delayed, lost, or denied outright—frequently for minor errors—making accuracy, thoroughness, and timeliness essential for success.

Having an experienced firefighter workers’ compensation attorney on your side can help to reduce the risk of denial by making sure information is complete and forms are properly filled out and filed. An attorney can also help speed the process of getting you the compensation you need to make the fullest recovery possible. 

How Much Time Do Firefighters Have to File a Workers’ Comp Claim?

The statute of limitations for filing a workers’ compensation claim in Nevada is 90 days from the date the injury occurred. It is always a good idea to file well before this window closes.

Our Las Vegas firefighter work injury attorneys are ready to help with your claim right away. Reach out today for a complimentary case review to learn more.

What Are Firefighters Entitled to With Workers’ Comp?

Under workers’ compensation in Nevada, firefighters may be entitled to benefits that cover:

  • Medical Expenses. Workers’ comp covers all medical expenses related to the injury. It also covers the expense of travel to and from medical appointments.
  • Partial Salary Loss. Workers’ compensation will provide up to two-thirds of your average monthly wage. Nevada Revised Statutes 616A.065 caps wage reimbursement at 150 percent of the state Average Weekly Wage, multiplied by 4.33.
  • Partial Disability. Workers’ comp provides both temporary and permanent partial disability benefits. These compensate for reduced or lost earnings caused by partial disability.
  • Total Disability. Workers’ compensation also provides benefits for total disability. This benefit addresses lost earning capacity and may continue for life.
  • Death Benefits. If a firefighter dies as a result of a job-related illness or injury, surviving dependents may be entitled to death benefits. These benefits typically include compensation for end-of-life expenses and ongoing financial support for children and spouses.

In addition to these benefits, many injured workers are also eligible for Social Security benefits. During your free consultation with one of our Las Vegas firefighter work injury lawyers, we will thoroughly review your claim to help you understand all of the benefits you may be entitled to.

Firefighter injured on call | Burg Simpson

Personal Injury Lawsuit vs. Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation provides coverage for medical expenses and lost wages when a firefighter is injured in the line of duty. These benefits are available regardless of how the injury occurred and do not require legal action to establish liability or argue over damages. They are also, however, limited to expenses directly related to the injury—such as medical expenses and vocational training—and will not address issues like pain and suffering. For this, a personal injury lawsuit is required.

It is important to remember that, while some exceptions exist, by and large, you cannot file a personal injury lawsuit against an employer who provides workers’ comp insurance in Nevada. If someone other than your employer was responsible for your injury or illness, on the other hand, you might be eligible to file a personal injury claim and seek financial damages, such as lost wages and medical expenses, and non-financial damages, such as pain and suffering, and emotional duress. These claims take longer than workers’ comp claims but may result in significantly more compensation.

The experienced Las Vegas firefighter work injury lawyers at Burg Simpson will take the time necessary to help you explore every option available to you. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case. If you decide to work with us, we operate on a contingency basis, which means we only get paid if you receive compensation.

Why Choose Burg Simpson for Your Firefighter Workers’ Comp Claim?

Choosing the right attorney will make a difference in the outcome of your workers’ compensation claim. Having a law firm with sufficient experience, a proven track record, and attorneys who focus on all aspects of personal injury law helps to ensure your rights are protected and your case is handled appropriately.

Our Las Vegas firefighter work injury lawyers offer:

  • Legal Knowledge. With extensive experience handling firefighter injury cases in Nevada, we understand the legal landscape of the region. With a deep knowledge of Nevada firefighter workers’ comp laws and regulations, we have enjoyed decades of success in helping injured workers get fair and full compensation.
  • A History of Success. Our attorneys have secured numerous substantial settlements and verdicts for injured workers. We can help you determine if workers’ comp or a personal injury lawsuit is the best way to seek the compensation your injury demands.
  • Unyielding Support. From your free initial consultation to the resolution of your case, we will provide personalized and attentive service. No two cases are alike. We take time to listen to your story and understand your needs, enabling us to develop a strategy tailored to your specific situation. We handle all aspects of your case to let you focus on the more pressing task of healing.
  • National Resources. Burg Simpson is a national law firm with several regional offices. We have access to resources—including paralegals, expert witnesses, and a team of experienced attorneys—that can prove extremely valuable when building cases, conducting negotiations, and fighting for fair compensation.

At Burg Simpson, our award-winning lawyers recognize the risks firefighters take to protect our communities every day. We provide experienced and uncompromising legal representation for those injured in this exceptionally brave line of work.

Contact Our Las Vegas Firefighter Work Injury Lawyers for FREE

An injury or illness acquired in the line of duty can be devastating. Burg Simpson can help. Our Las Vegas firefighter work injury lawyers have been fighting for workers for more than 40 years. We know the ins and outs of firefighter workers’ compensation law and can help protect you from common pitfalls that result in delays or denial.

Call us right now at 702-668-2070 or contact us online today to schedule your FREE consultation and learn more. Based in Las Vegas, the firefighter workers’ comp attorneys at Burg Simpson serve injured firefighters throughout Nevada.

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