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Denver Nursing Home Neglect Attorneys

Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Lawyers Serving Denver Metro & All Of Colorado

The Denver nursing home lawyers at Burg Simpson Law Firm understand the distressing realities that nursing home abuse and neglect inflict on the most vulnerable members of our community. Tragically, acts ranging from physical and emotional abuse to financial exploitation and negligence in basic care are shockingly common throughout the country. When they impact someone you love, it is crucial for their emotional and physical well-being to take immediate legal action.

People are now living much longer than ever before, creating an increased demand for elder care. However, even with increasing numbers of residents, tight government budgets limit the ability of state and federal agencies to monitor long-term care facilities adequately. Because the residents of these facilities are typically nearing the end of their lives, they are owed, at the very least, proper care, dignity, and respect. This makes it all the more unacceptable when they are faced, instead, with abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

If you suspect a loved one is suffering from mistreatment in their long-term care facility, do not wait to take action. Call Burg Simpson Law Firm at 303-792-5595 for a consultation with one of our experienced Denver nursing home lawyers right away. Our dedicated team of experienced legal professionals is here to support you through this difficult time and is ready to fight for the justice your family deserves.

Denver Nursing Home Neglect Attorneys

Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Elder abuse can take many forms and is frequently perpetuated by caregivers and other nursing home or assisted living staff. The National Council on Aging cites several types of abuse, including:

  • Physical Abuse: This includes any form of physical harm, from slapping to inappropriate use of restraints, leading to injuries, trauma, and a loss of trust in caregivers.
  • Emotional or Psychological Abuse: This can manifest as verbal assaults, threats, belittling, or any other forms of emotional manipulation, intimidation, or humiliation leading to mental anguish and a decline in mental health.
  • Sexual Abuse: This includes any non-consensual sexual contact or interaction, including touching, fondling, or intercourse with an older adult who is unable to understand or consent or is threatened or forced into sexual acts.
  • Financial Exploitation: This involves illegally or improperly using a resident’s funds, assets, or property. It can range from theft to coercion for financial gain.
  • Willful Deprivation: This includes denying medication, medical care, shelter, food, a therapeutic device, or other physical assistance.
  • Medication Abuse: This can involve overmedicating or under-medicating residents—either to control behavior or due to neglect—which can have serious health implications.

In addition to abuse, nursing home residents in Denver are at risk for various types of neglect. These can include:

  • Unhygienic conditions
  • Improper nutrition
  • Inadequate medical attention
  • Isolation from activities or social interaction
  • Failure to accommodate disabilities
  • Generally poor living conditions

Nursing home abuse and neglect can have lasting effects on the physical and emotional health of victims. The Denver nursing home lawyers at Burg Simpson are here to hold each responsible party to full account, helping to ensure justice is truly served.

The Scope of Elder Abuse In the United States

Elder abuse affects approximately one in six older adults each year. The most common perpetrators are, unimaginably, family members, though caregivers account for a shocking amount of these abuses as well. In fact, 64 percent of long-term care staff admit to committing abuse to some degree each year.

Many victims of elder abuse suffer from multiple forms of mistreatment at once, including sexual, emotional, and financial abuse. Equally shocking, the rate of nonfatal assaults involving seniors has risen by 75 percent for men and 35 percent for women over the past two decades, with non-white seniors nearly 200 percent more likely to face mistreatment. To compound this tragedy, the NCOA estimates that only one in every 24 cases of abuse is reported. If you have a loved one in a nursing home, knowing how to identify signs of nursing home abuse and neglect can help to ensure their suffering is not ignored.

How to report nursing home abuse & neglect | Burg Simpson

How to Identify Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

The best way to identify nursing home abuse and neglect is to pay attention to your loved one when you visit—and to visit frequently. Make your visits unannounced and at varying times to ensure you see authentic treatment and staff interactions.

Warning signs to look for include:

  • Signs of Physical Abuse: Look for unexplained injuries such as bruises, cuts, or broken bones, which can indicate physical abuse.
  • Signs of Emotional Abuse: Look for behavioral changes such as withdrawal from social activities, fear or anxiety around certain staff members, agitation, or depression.
  • Signs of Neglect: Is the nursing home environment consistently unclean? Is there a lack of adequate clothing? Are medical needs (like medications) being met?
  • Signs of Financial Exploitation: These can include unexplained financial transactions or sudden changes in your loved one’s financial situation.

Additional Warning Signs of Elder Abuse In Nursing Homes

Other warning signs might include facial and dental injuries, falls that cause fractures, head injuries, unexplainable sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and sudden weight loss. Bedsores, especially advanced stage 4 bedsores, are often a sign of neglect. As are poor hygiene, malnutrition, and dehydration.

Observing the behavior of nursing home staff can also provide insights. Actions that may indicate abuse include failing to respond to residents’ requests for assistance, improperly administering medications, not addressing conflicts between residents, and showing disrespect or poor attitudes toward those they are supposed to care for​​.

If you notice any of these signs or have concerns about the welfare of a loved one, our Denver nursing home lawyers are here to help. Reach out today for a confidential and informative consultation to learn about your rights and options.

What to Do If You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

If you suspect your loved one is suffering from nursing home negligence, there are steps you should take as soon as possible:

Identify the Proper Authorities

In Colorado, if you suspect nursing home abuse or neglect, you should report it to the local Colorado Adult Protective Services (APS) office or the police. Immediate life-threatening dangers should be reported by calling 911. For non-immediate concerns, contacting APS can provide the necessary steps for intervention and support. APS offices are equipped to handle reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of at-risk adults, including those in nursing homes.

Hire a Nursing Home Lawyer

You will want to have a nursing home lawyer on your side as quickly as possible. An attorney can get to work immediately to ensure evidence and records are preserved. It is important to contact a lawyer before evidence is destroyed or altered. Be sure to also maintain your own records with dates and notes about the situation.

The Denver nursing home abuse attorneys at Burg Simpson work on a contingency basis. This means you do not pay for our services until a settlement or verdict is made in your favor. We will never ask for payment for our services until justice has satisfactorily been served.

Move Your Loved One to a Safe Space

Remove your loved one from the situation as soon as possible. The Medicare website has a nursing home rating system and facility comparison tool that can assist in these endeavors. If no room is immediately available, consider other options, such as temporary in-home care or respite services. Leaving your loved one in their current facility may result in retaliatory actions from their abusers.

If you suspect a loved one is being mistreated by nursing home staff or management, taking swift action can help to protect their safety and health. Our team is here whenever you need us. Reach out today for a free consultation to learn more.

Nursing home staff member verbally abusing resident | Burg Simpson

How Long Do I Have to Take Legal Action in Colorado?

In Colorado, the statute of limitations for nursing home abuse and neglect cases is generally two years from the date of the injury (see Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-80-102). However, this can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case. For instance, if the abuse or neglect resulted in a wrongful death, the “discovery rule” may apply, potentially extending the time frame.

While there is a statute of limitations on personal injury claims—including nursing home claims—in Colorado, it is always a good idea to speak with an experienced attorney to determine if you are entitled to file suit. The Denver nursing home lawyers at our firm are here to review your claim, free of both cost and obligation, to help you understand your rights and legal options.

How Our Denver Nursing Home Lawyers Can Help

Burg Simpson Law Firm has been helping victims of nursing home abuse and neglect seek fair compensation for over 40 years. With more than 70 lawyers in seven states, we have the resources and tenacity—backed by a proven track record—to take these cases as far as needed in our pursuit of justice.

Compassionate, attentive, and committed, we understand the devastation nursing home abuse can bring. We are here to listen to your story, provide straightforward and actionable advice, and stand up for the rights of your loved one.

Contact Burg Simpson for a FREE Case Review

If you believe a loved one is suffering from abuse, neglect, or mistreatment in their nursing home, contact Burg Simpson online or call us at 303-792-5595 for a FREE case evaluation right away. Our nursing home lawyers proudly fight for the rights of seniors and their families in Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, Arvada, Centennial, and throughout the state.

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